Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bacon and eggs

Well, one egg on the grass this morning, and this evening - one in a nesting box, and one under the nesting box. So that's 5 eggs in 2 days. Bill, who got four chooks at the same time has had none since they moved in. He's blaming the black ones (he's also got two of Nevs black chooks, and also some stripy fellows). I gave the chickens some chopped fish and they went moggy (um, chooky) over it. They are dinosaurs, really.

Also incoming today was some Pork -I have a side of pig belly that needs to be made into bacon. I haven't built a smoker yet (the terrain does not suit) but I will make 'green' bacon (unsmoked, not green in colour, we hope). Maybe organise a makeshift smoker...


  1. Some of our chickens had escaped the chookabagos we built. I let them be, as we have a plague of ticks and I'm hoping they will reduce them. But I didn't know where they we laying until yesterday - found about a dozen eggs in a nest!

  2. If you salt cure it first you only need t smoke it for a few hours. I've seen it done in a BBQ grill.

  3. (grin) Cedar, you and Bill both. He was complaining that as he got 4 for him and 3 for me and I had eggs and he had none... but lo and behold - he found a nest full.

  4. Quilly, yes, I can see doing it in a drum (or even a carboard box) with a wet hessian bag in the field next door (has a mound - our yard is FLAT) up hill helps. Bacon is quick. hams and hocks however take days to smoke well.
