Friday, December 30, 2011

And more and more...

So the cats, so far, have been no hassle. Puggle found a wombat hole in the fence and so I have spent what time not hefting furniture... putting up an electric fence. Anyway tomorrow I will move my computer... we do not know how well it will take to that. And the chickens and Chookabago, and a lot more boxes... but I've run out of big stuff.


  1. Hi Dave

    Dog and Dragon.

    Sorry, not as good as your cooperative writing. But Way Good. 4.5 out of 5. Much Fall of Blood, of which you were I believe the major writer, was a clear 5 out of 5.

    I've read the snippets of your short stories via Amazon, and I wish my pension would permit me to purchase them.

    I will always read what you provide via Baen, who are keeping up Jim's promise to me of lifetime membership in thanks for getting several authors to provide works to the free library.

    Thanks for the pleasure of reading FlindersFreer, and for your excellent books.

    I am, as always, in awe of your ability to get things done in your home life. I wish I could achieve half as much in twice the time. I do achieve what you do in home management, but I work in years what you work in days or weeks.

    Happy New Year to you and your beloved lady. May 2012 let you relax a little. :-)

    fondest regards

    IanC / Gladstone

  2. Happy new year, its 12:05ish here in california

  3. Here's wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and rewarding new year. I'm looking forward to reading more great stories from you in the coming year.
