Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pheasant and Turkey

Well, having finished the steamed! article,(and my it is full of typos) I found I was frantically needing to get the base and floor for my cool room built, and the edits to Steam Mole sorted. And then Norman came and led me astray, for what took half an hour and quite a lot of plucking and drawing time. I hadn't fired the shotgun I bought before. I have now fired 2 shots.

I will probably never be that lucky again.


  1. Hitting a Pheasant is not easy. Good job. Maybe you're a natural wing shot. Many good ones are.

    1. :-)Pretty sure it was just luck and a good man getting me on the spot.

  2. Dave, have you ever looked at this site ? By coincidence he put a wild turkey recipe up just yesterday. He does a lot of foraging and hunting posts, unfortunately for North America, but fascinating none-the-less.

    1. No... thank you for heads-up -- I have 4.5kg of turkey to cook!

  3. I want to apologize for being a bad fan. I've been reading so little lately (on and off line) that I'm not helping your financial situation one bit. I haven't been writing anything either. Work has been very busy, but this is a good thing, as it makes the days just fly by. I suspect this time travel aspect has had its effect on both my reading and writing.

    Lisa S. in Seattle

    1. Friends are worth more book sales. I worry less about the precarious financials than people not dropping in. I suspect someone has been stealing my time. I seem to have so little right now.
