Monday, February 11, 2013

A great night for flounder... but...

I really battled to go to sleep after my gutting last night, (obviously gone past 'tired' into second wind, and was still awake at 2.30, and up at 6.00). Which is a PITA because I battle to sleep when it is light, and so I was dull reed today writing, and tonight it is lovely and still, and I to go for flounder. Just after midnight... and I did not put fuel in the ute today, so might have enough to get to Whitemark, but nothing spare for a jaunt, let alone needing some sleep, sometime. The sea looks lovely tomorrow, but I am making pancakes for the Shrove Tuesday pancake making at the CWA rooms in Whitemark... the little Anglican church is doing it as a fundraiser for the bushfires, and last year I ended up as el pancake honcho. To celebrate this I am doing a chili wallaby filling as well as the savory mince. Barbs is making a cake right now, as the CWA are doing the catering for a funeral, just after the pancakes. Barbs is full day at the surgery tomorrow, and will have two med students there. Poor souls they have been told part of the island is community activities, and community activities include Scottish dancing on Thursday night. If you're here, you get roped in :-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure there are some alternate words to the lumberjack song that would fit here.

    He's an author and he's OK,
    he guts all night and he writes all day

    On Tuesday in the morning he makes pancakes for tea....
