Monday, December 13, 2010

And then it was Monday!

Monday is the beginning of the week, so I always start with all sorts of good intentions, of what I will achieve before Sunday suddenly comes around again.

Today was no different, except that we got a lot of the items ticked off the list. We did the washing, cleaned the gutters, (on our house, and a friends house down the road.) cut some of the really long grass, finished cleaning the rectory, visited friends for some Rummicub (and laughs), went fishing (caught and speared some fish), spent an hour and a half at the dentist (only Dave!), attended the school end of year concert and prisegiving (only me), and now I am tired!

But I do feel that we achieved a lot, between the three of us, so the rest of the week is sure to be franticly busy too, but hopefully we can have some fun as well.


  1. That is a pretty full day Barbs! It's always a good feeling though, to get to the end of such a day and be able to say you a achieved a lot. :)

  2. Just got an email from my sister. I'll send you the soap recipe to Dave's email address. She recommends - and yes, it needs the three hyphens.

  3. Thank you so so much. I can't wait to try it out.
