Thursday, December 23, 2010

The day after.

Well, you know how it is? You have a special day, and then the next day feels a bit flat... ?? Right.

Today certainly did not conform to the pattern. In the first place the wind blew, if not a gale, a very very hard wind. I got up earlyish to get to the housework that was neglected yesterday, and was nearly done when friends arrived to drop us a BBQ. We had a coffee with them and then I had to rush off to take James to Trousers Point for a couple of hours surfing, with most of the teenagers on the island.

He packed some bread to take with him, no time to add jam, and I got my fishing gear together, thinking that if I was going to drive down there, I might as well see what I could catch, and we have a fishing spot well away from any sane surfer. We planned to arrive before the bus, but were just after it, so James went to join the others, and left his bread in the ute.

I went off to our spot across the headland, and discovered that the rock we stand halfway down at high tide, had waves breaking over the top of it! The wind was really blowing the sea into white horses and bigger waves than I wanted to face. So I watched for a while, and then retreated, without even unpacking the bait. Total chicken, but there was so much white water, I thought that no fish would even see the food.

Back home we then got another visitor, our landlord's mother, who has not been around to see us for a while, so we had a really good chat, and caught up on all the news. After she had gone, we had lunch and then Dave went off to his writers circle, which he really enjoys.

James managed to get a lift back from the beach, which saved his feet walking from town, and I heard that they had had a BBQ at the beach so he was not starving, as I had imagined.

Another friend popped in to fetch the wine we had been storing for him, and it was great to see him back on the island. I am getting used to the idea that a lot of the people we meet here are not resident all year round. But I do miss them when they are away!

James then helped me restart the computer game I got for my birthday, which was really frustrating for him, as I am very slow, but I have not died yet, which is a huge plus in my book.

Dave got back from Writers in time to cook supper/tea so we could get to Scottish dancing on time.

All in all a busy day, with no time for a let down at all.


  1. Very off-the-wall question. One of the Japanese TV shows today asked their panel about equivalents to "Christmas Cake" in other countries. Japan loves Christmas Cake -- sponge cake, whipped frosting, and strawberries. Anyway, in the process, they said a Christmas Barbecue was "traditional" in Australia? I will admit that the weather is probably right, but... traditional? Just thought you might have some insight?

  2. Ummm, I know that one family here on the island has a beach BBQ with invites to all comers to join them for Christmas. I will raise the topic tomorrow, when we are gathering with 7 Aussies to eat a Christmas lunch, and see what they say. BBQ is almost essential to any gathering, but I am not so sure about Christmas.

  3. Thanks! It sounds like someone generalizing -- hey, this family I knew always had BBQ for Christmas, so it must be an Australian custom? But maybe there's a kernel of truth in there, too.
