Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wish you were here

(taking our trainee doctors to kayak in Fotheringate bay)


  1. I do wish I was there! How lovely, Dave.

  2. Well it's been proven. If stranded on Flinders Tripp and I would fare well and Chris, poor Chris, would waste away.

    We had Calamari last night, it was wonderful. Tripp ate it with no worries. I, of course, gorged on it. Christine...not so much. Though she did eat some grilled Salmon. Baby steps.

  3. tch. Quilly, you would have to have a mixed diet. Wallaby, wild pig, wild turkey, wild peacock, ring-neck pheasant, duck, cape barren Goose and even quail, and of course lots of fish types fit Chris - and you and Tripp. That leaves you with a lot of invertebrates as add ins. And unless allergic to it, I am quite good at making very odd things appetising.
