I have a cat - La Duchesse - that seems to have decided she has a serious pechant for gravadlax. She stands outside the fridge and meeows at it, and gets seriously upset when I take meeeolk and not meeowfish out of it. I also had my little Robin-cat go missing this afternoon, which I noticed just after I had got in with a load for firewood, and only just beating the sudden storm and lashing rain in. Now she is a fluffly beautiful kitty of not much brain... okay, she's a woos, and about as bright a sun - of a distant galaxy far far away. When she was a little kitty, they said that when you're beautiful you can be bright, but it is not necessary, and she took this to heart. She seldom goes more than twenty yards from the house, but is quite easily frightened, and not fond of extreme weather. When she's frightened - by for example a clap thunder, she runs for safety. Only because she's a rocket scientist, she doesn't always choose the right direction. So when I came in... I check the cats and dogs, and Robin was AWOL. So out in the rain and wind I went for a half hour search. Came back in, talked to Barbs on the phone, and lamented the loss of our fluff-brain...
She came out of wherever she'd been sleeping and ignoring me, about half an hour later. Informed me it was supper time. She was bone dry (which I was not) One of us was fluff brain. And it wasn't her.
Barbs will be home weather permitting. The cats will be relieved. The quality of service they've had is appalling.