Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oh, my golly gosh!!

Yes, I did it! I feel that taking all the blame is the only way to go, as it is so obvious anyway!

I was told, and I am sure she is right, that we can make a few extra pennies by having ads on the blog. And with my total failure to find a job on the island, I thought it would be an easy and simple way to go, and might help to fill the ever emptying coffers.

So, with the help of our visitor from the USA, I started the whole process 2 weeks ago. But, we needed to be checked out by the 'powers that be' in cyberspace, or where ever, so she has gone home, and I was left to set it up, all on my own, once the permission to do so came through today. It basically reduced me to tears, I could not find the toolbars the 3 different help sites said I had. Eventually Dave came to my aid, and said they were on his computer, not mine! Right, but then I was registered as him, and the permission was for me, on my email address.... Luckily the house is not that big, and I could move easily from one persona, or desktop to another.

So now we have ads, boy do we have ads!

I am calling for comments, do they go or stay? CAN "I" make them smaller??

Please feel free to let me know all about it, I have had a bad day anyway!


  1. Wow, super cool, invisible ads, the best kind. Although I am sorry I can't see what ads you put up.

  2. Sorry you had a bad day - give yourself a big hug and kiss from us out in the Styx. Been thinking of you guys (every time we use the cargo net, which is every Friday to get hay - we send lots of 'missing you' thoughts out to you immigrant islanders - xx!)

    About the ads - sheesh! You're right, hey! They are a bit aggressive, but I guess that's the purpose of advertising. As a good mutual friend always says 'will do whatever the client wants if they pay me enough!' (G). Go for it!!

  3. I can see a vertical bar of 'Ads from Google' to the right of the text and comments... and that's it. This isn't a bother from my viewpoint.

  4. Not too bad. I tried them at my site which gets about 220 visitors a day. Made $5.00 per month. I hope you do better!

    Their ad text auto-analysis is dead on. They've got art ads and generator ads. LOL.

  5. Way to go Barbs, like the new look and the ads are no bother. Betcha didn't think you would be a techie a couple of years ago. Ignore Quilly, $5.00 is about the net profit we make per month on the restaurant, better than a smack in the face with a wet fish :-)

    Here's a good website to visit for tips on Blogging -

    I use it often for tips for our blog. The writer has some points in common with you, she lives very far from the madding crowd and grows things which she eats.

    Keep well, you both.

  6. BTW: when your visitors click on the links in the ads you get more revenue. Also get the Amazon Partners linky set up. You can throw a link to one of Dave's books and get revenue if someone buys. (Which, iirc, you have that on another site)

  7. Doesn't bother me at all. I only remember to come and read these when you or Dave post the link on Facebook, and I didn't find the ads intrusive. I probably wouldn't have remembered if they were there before or not if you hadn't mentioned it (I'm single-minded sometimes and tend to just focus on what I'm here to read, which in this case is the blog.)

  8. I'm a lurker. I enjoy the blog and am happy, happy, happy to look at the ads. I may even click on a few in the spirit of helpfulness. The Amazon link suggestion is sound as well.

    Best of luck with it all. Here in the US insane infomercials suggest that one can make thousands (thousands I tell you) of dollars a month (a week!), merely by setting this up.

    Still, $5 a month is better than a poke in the eye (as a friend often says)

  9. I don't find the ads intrusive, the page loads at the same speed as before, and you've got nothing to lose - go for it! :-D

  10. Thank you all so much!! Once I have recovered from the stress of setting this lot up, I will try for the Amazon one, which certainly does make sense, and may make some cents also!!!

  11. I am still plagued by the invisible Ads, why can I not see any of these things? Its beginning to worry me I have had friends open the blog on different browsers but they can't see anything either. See ad searching is more fun than preparing for Sunday school.

  12. Hi, if you scroll down, below this comment, do you not get a block ad?? And down the right side of the page, higher up, do you not get a row of ads?? 4 of them, one below the other?? Maybe SA is different, but I can see them here!

  13. Paddy: The Rhodes proxy catches a whole bunch of the things and prevents them from loading.

    Am always surprised when I load webcomics at home and see how many ads there are. :)

  14. Hi Barb
    Sorry I haven't been very contactable to help you out - I'll be posting my LONG AND ANNOYING BUT FINALLY SUCCESSFUL story about changing internet providers soon.

    I'll email you or sms you when I get home from work today about helping with Amazon etc.


  15. Tan, does this mean your e-mail address changed too? (I wanted to ask you to read something)

  16. Great to hear from you, sorry you have been having a hard time!

  17. Hi Dave
    It should be the same. I'll email you today so you can reply to it.

    Barb - it's all done now. I look at my downloads now and I've gone from 60 to 200. Muahhauaaauaha - oops maybye I shouldn't have said that. :)
