Saturday, January 28, 2012

We went to a garage sale that happened last week this morning. Needless to say not much was bought. I did visit Bill and return with Carrots to show what an inept gardener I am. We've repaired screens and finished pressure hosing the house. One of the screens had too much energy expended on getting the mesh tight... and now will have to be redone, because the screen now bows inwards... Hey I thought I was being neat. Anyway tomorrow I tackle the cistern on the second 'loo. Cover me, I'm going in...

and talking of high maintenance vampires...

The next kindle is up...


  1. Non-kindle edition for those of us opposed to Amazon?

    1. Not for the next three months I am afraid. Then it will appear on Smashwords and then when Apple and B&N etc get around to it - a week or three later, it may be offered by them. Seriously this is an experiment, and if suddenly I start getting sales from other outlets (My Smashwords sales are 1/10 my amazon sales, and as far as I can work out my sales from B& and Apple are zero)I'll have to change that.

  2. Wait, you have offerings on apple? Damn, those are easiest for me to access for my ipad. I've bought on smashwords everything I saw except duplicates, they are second easiest for this dumb old woman to put in preferred reading format. (honestly, is it so hord to make a background program that simulates the LOOK of a book? I don't know why, but the iBook setup is the easiest to read, even though it reads exactly the same way as kindle and nook's aps do, the only visual difference is a linedown the center seperating the 2 "pages" and a book frame.

    1. Tried to edit "hord" to "hard" and couldn't erase a single letter of the entire post!
