The pic is sunset on the tidal flats where we go to collect clams.
Ok so it's very late and I'm too tired. But I caught my first Australian salmon - in a a throw net. Today was Policeman Pat's farewell at 2pm, and we had visitors from 11.30-1pm, and I wrote from about 4 AM, and picked mushroooms at 11 AM, then after the farewell tea, cut a ute-load of firewood, collected some nice clams, caught mullet and australian salmon in the throw-net, collected a few oysters, speared flounder, scoop netted swimming prawns. I also fitted in baking a fruitcake, making rolls, and I've gutted and cooked the fish. And now I am going to bath and go to bed. Tomorrow I'll try and be entertaining :-)
So what are you doing in your spare time?
ReplyDeleteI ran into our local wild food expert (and she is definitely an expert when it comes to local wild food collection), and she recommended the work of Cribb & Cribb (presumably Alan & Joan Cribb) as particularly useful in having investigated wild food all over Australia, usually by talking to the native population before they were "disappeared" from the area, when I asked her if she knew of any useful references for your area.
ReplyDeleteThere was another author who specialized in your actual area (although from a much more anthropological viewpoint), except the name has rubbed off my hand. Sorry.
Just thought you might be interested. She is also willing to be contacted if you need help.
Dave, does time warp in your vicinity? That sounds like a good weeks worth of activities!
ReplyDeleteQuilly - answering post of course ;-)
ReplyDelete:-) I'd love to make contact, and will hold of these Cribb notes :-)
ReplyDeleteMatapam - a lot of it sounds more energetic than it is. The fruitcake for example takes some forethought and prep, but actually takes me less than 3 minutes by the clock on the day. The rolls - I have little breadmaker than does dough - so that's also very quick. I thrownet while walking to the oysters - about a half a mile, and catch swimming prawn while we hunt flounder. But it adds up...
ReplyDelete[Compulsory required <groan> of appreciation.]