Tuesday, January 11, 2011

salad, floods etc.

I saw the scary pictures of the flooding in Qeensland, and my heart and prayers go out to all those who are dealing with the missing persons situation. B and I really need to get signed up with the SES here, and make our own emergency plan for fires (I think - I hope - floods are less likely). What to take, what to do, and what to leave... Australia really does seem to live between droughts, floods and fires. Still, generally the emergency services seem very jacked up, compared to Africa, and people pitch in to help.

Other than that, writing continues, our friend Carol keeps bringing dribs of her house-clearing out to us. Not that we're not grateful for the ladder and the chili, but we'd rather keep her.

Salad at the moment is miricle of miricles, tomato and lettuce out of the garden at the same time. The lettuce is pretty sucky, but it's lettuce. Living from garden to mouth with a gardener-in-chief who is a bit low on ept does make for some rather less than supermarket-appetising veggies (yeah, yeah we all know home grown is supposed to be best, but the truth is, it isn't always), but they're varied and free of pesticides (and mostly free of pests, but DO inspect your salad!)



  1. Any more froglets? those are much more interesting than the small green caterpillars that are my usual uninvited dinner guests (when there's a garden, which there's NOT now, brrrrr. It's C-c-c-cold out there. Snow and red-bird pictures on my blog http://naturalist-amm.blogspot.com/ )

  2. I have retrieved one frog from our bedroom, but no, only slugs and caterpillars

  3. I received a packet of seeds for a winter weather "window sill" salad patch. We'll see how it works.
